dimecres, 30 d’abril del 2014

From Jean and Stephen

Carnforth, Lancs,England 

Dear Maria and Carlos,

We were devastated to hear of the very sad loss of our dear friend Helena, this must have been a horrendous shock for you and the family.

We have very happy memories of sharing in the countryside with her and in our home. Helena stayed in our little apartment whilst looking after our dog Jacob when I was in Australia. She loved the countryside, the woods, fields and shores of Morecambe Vay.

Jarrod is sending you some of our lovely photos in the Lake District with her and Jacob, she was very happy here.

Helena also made a huge paella for me and my friends one evening. It was delicious (I don’t know now to make it). It went down a treat with a glass of wine and much laughter. Helena spoke very little English in those days, but progressed so well and managed to do her studies at Bangor University. We had much administration for her persistence and achievements.

Helena would phone me once or twice a year and it was always good to hear her and find out what she and your family were doing and I would exchange our news from Silverdale. I didn’t hear from her now perhaps 12-18 months.

I cannot begin to feel the pain of losing a child, but my heart aches for you and I pray each day that God’s grace will support you through this very difficult time. It was uncanny how only the day before I received the sad news I was actually looking at these photos of her with Jacob and remembered these happy days. It must have been a spiritual connection. I wished in some small way I could have helped her.

I also have Helena’s writing & comments in my visitors guest book. Also yours, mum Maria. I will treasure these & her photos forever. I would be grateful to hear of the funeral arrangements and will ask my priest to offer a mass especially for the repose of her soul.

She is at peace now and not very far away, just in a different place. I’m sure her soul will be with our loving God and her spirit will be very close to us all.

Sending you all our heartfelt LOVE & prayers.

God Bless
From Jean and Stephen

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